Status ; hi,mayna here.17teen.spm this year.i sporting,friendly,:)i am the owner copypaste.i don't like.i hope you enjoy read my blogger.nice to know youu.LOVE MAYNA <3
mayna elena diaries
bosan bosan bosan :'/
Saturday, February 4, 2012 | 11:11 PM | 0 Rain[s]

err --' bosannye hidup aku,tak tahu ape yg bosan , gentle aku bosan single. tpy aku taknak couple sebab lelaki mcm harem--' mak aku ckp fokus spm. then baru bercinta , aku try tapy tak fokus pun, single lagy susah. ramai bgy harapan , err--' boleh tak tanak laki hidup dkt bumi ni sampai aku abes spm. aku nk lelaki ade time aku nk kawin je, boleh tak ? haha, aku taktahu ape aku merepek ni .aku penah update status single until spm , aku ckp cm toh sebab lelaki toh suruh aku tunggu sampai spm . tuttut aku tunggu dia boleh couple dgn org lain, err--' gentle menyesal gy berjanji dgn orgg , dia dah mungkir janji.hmm.nevermind. insyaallah , akuken try single sampai spm. maybe tak kod :')haha, act, taktahu nk update ape.aku update lah bende ni, haha . k aku tahu cerite aku bosan , haha, kbaii :) i hope i find true love


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